"Laser Tag and Guitar Hero"…with Cars!
Now, who would allow such an experience to happen for people to test drive one of the big selling automobiles this year?
Now, who would allow such an experience to happen for people to test drive one of the big selling automobiles this year?
We have all done it at least once in our lifetime. Whether it is a solo drive over miles of road or a family vacation, the absolute notion of freedom sets the road trip apart from anything we can set our minds to do. It is about forging a friendship between the driver and the undiscovered land.
I don't watch television like most people do. Sometimes, I'll go to my laptop, log on to Hulu, YouTube or some website and get my views on shows via stream. I even own a few episodes via iTunes. But, that's it.
It may appear that I am missing a lot. Not really. Social media keeps me informed of what's going on – especially automotive shows. In the past year or so, American viewers had seen their exposure to such shows double. Thanks to cable, you can follow these shows on various evenings to get your fill of four-wheel insanity – without having to sit through a few hours of auto racing.
There are four television shows about automobiles on American television. Here's a quick rundown of these shows…
TweetThe art of driving is not only knowing where you're going – but the fun you find along the way. What if your adventure was like a series of "The Amazing Race." Phil won't be there to greet you at the final pit stop and no one is being eliminated from the race. What if …
TweetThere are moments when I am glad I left Southern California for good in 1996. Leading up to this weekend, Los Angeles had been scared to wits by this so-called “Carmageddon.” Exactly what is happening is the State of California’s Department of Transportation (CalTrans) decided to shut down a significant stretch of the San Diego …
TweetLet me get personal for a moment: I miss Pontiac. General Motors’ bankruptcy forced the largest automotive concern in the world to make some sacrifices. Since one of the complaints by analysts and pundits had been the large number of brands on sale by the company, GM was forced to make some sacrifices. It had …
TweetLast September, I found myself in the whirlwind of the local reaction to the suicide of Justin Aaberg. In talking with his mother, Tammy, I knew that something will come from this to help galvanize the LGBT community and the world. Advice columnist Dan Savage took the lead in this reaction to the Aaberg's and …
If marketing drives a consumer decision, can there be anything else to convince a cultural group to be loyal to a particular brand?
If money talks, then why are some people refuse to allow around nine percent of the American population to say anything? Or, simply, be themselves?
I found that by making a comparison would put me in a precarious situation. This always results in leaving something significant out of the mix. It is not certain whether I was able to pull it off in my Capstone back in grad school. Considering the grade I received, I may have done the trick.